ॐ सह नाववतु
om, may the divine source protect and bless both teacher and student
about Ashley's yoga teaching
Ashley teaches dynamic and fun flows where she uses metaphor, imagery and embodiment practice to guide her students home to themselves. Helping yogis move with authenticity and integrity, Ashley works with the intention to facilitate yoga practices where students can let go and experience themselves fully. It is from this place that her students discover who they truly are, and begin living life with joy, ease and growth.
With intelligent, meaningful sequencing, coupled with repetition and interwoven with philosophy, Ashley’s classes are transformational experiences that allow students to drop into a deep sense of home within themselves.
with the Ashley Sunshine Yoga School
yoga teacher trainings
90% of the wisdom of Yoga is PRACTICE.
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core yoga principles and tools
Yoga is a living science, art and philosophy that has aided in the mass awakening of the world at these unparalleled times, and continues to impact people globally - helping humanity reclaim authority over their own health and well-being.
Asana and PranayamaLearn and master ancient movement and breathwork practices designed to clean, clear and focus your physical and energy body, to enhance your health, wellbeing and enjoyment of this life. And then learn how to play with it, stylize it to fit our modern day, and make it your own.
Anatomy, Physiology and Ayurveda"The more we know about how our systems work, the closer we feel to ourselves and the better we can care for and optimize our bodyminds. We will learn how the body works, how yoga helps and how Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, gives us all the tools we need to heal our bodies and heal our lives.
Teaching and Teaching PracticeWe focus on leadership in our courses - how to listen to and trust your own inner guidance systems to make crucial decisions in life, on the mat and in the teacher’s role. You’ll learn how to use your voice, create intelligent and dynamic sequences, weave your philosophy into your teachings, and more.
Philosophy and Yogic LifestyleWe’ll study the sacred Yogic texts such as the Bhaghavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras and decipher them from the eyes of love and curiosity about the mysteries of this life. We take the teachings from the sacred texts and apply them to our lifestyle experimentally, and keep the ones that work, and leave the ones that don’t.
Sanskrit and ChantingLearning and singing ancient potent words and phrases, that some of them have so much meaning we could write a whole book about one Sanskrit word, in English! Take for instance, Namaste. There are over 100 translations, our favorite one being “the light in me recognizes and honors the light in you, and when we are both in that place of stillness and peace within, we are the same.”
Home and Personal StudyBring your discipline and study to daily life through ritual, habit changes, home practice, personal research and more.
a life-long journey into the Self
"Yoga has brought me to my own inner truth and has given me clarity around what to put my faith on - myself and the unity of all things. This living philosophy has guided me to be the leader of my own life, and to be a wayshower for others to discover their own power and true inner beauty.
When we practice yoga, we slowly begin to understand and experience the one-ness of all things, and we develop the urge to take good care of ourselves - which starts with the body and slowly extends to everything around us. We realize we are not separate from nature or each other, and it is that compassion, love and unity that yoga brings, that can and will heal the world."